General Information |
On line Game Reports
All VISL Game Reports must be submitted to the League as soon as possible on the day of the game (within 2-4 hours recommended). We require game results as soon as possible after the match completion. For further information or queries contact:
VISL Referee Manager: Tiberio de Frias
(M) 250-213-8927 (text preferred)
Referee Info: (Brief) - VISL Handbook (Master):
Referees as well as teams are recommended to familiarize themselves with the relevant sections of the VISL Handbook. VISL Master Handbook
- Prior to kickoff referees must check team lists and ID Cards.
- Substitutions.
Divisions 1 and 2, substituting player(s) must take a completed VISL Substitution Slip(s) to the near-sideline Official, who will signal the Referee for approval of the player(s) to enter the field of play. Five (5) substitutions may be made during the course of play, however unlimited substitutions may be made at half time over and above the five (5) mandated.
All other Divisions substitution forms are not required. Unlimited substitutions permitted as well as re-entry. Substituting player(s) must remain on the sideline until play is stopped and they are signaled by the Referee to enter the field of play.
- Foul and / or abusive language:
The VISL has a very clear policy with regards to undue use of foul or abusive language on the field of play, by players, and technical area. Discipline guidelines are published on the BC Soccer website. BC Soccer Discipline Guidelines